![]() Our world is in a spiritual crisis. Religions have let us down. Governments have lost all sense of integrity, evident today from Capitol Hill. Recent events show our great technological advances are taking us into a precarious place of authoritarianism and censorship. Is this the imprint of Babylon happening again? Do we have time to wake up to the stark reality dawning upon us? Unfortunately, not. Radical change must be made to save us from entering another Babylonian abyss. The crisis is in our consciousness, but few if any are looking. We're cascading into a gaping black hole that swallowed previous civilizations. Again, we're fast approaching the event horizon. Nobody cares, all are too busy increasing their merchandise. My book, FROM BABYLON TO HERE, just published, calls out to the rare few, scarcer than gold, tuning into the frequency. We have little time left.
![]() We are the cosmos, the consequence of momentous occurrence, the end product of a myriad things. We carve our individuality from the universal, but we’re not an individual existence. Nature is not individual. When we lose sync with nature, the world we create is out of sync. When we fall into sync, we realign to the natural rhythm of life’s perpetual dance. This great epochal shift currently happening in our consciousness obliges us to realign. But can we embrace this phenomenal realignment as our natural celebration to life? This is our challenge right now. NOW IS LIFE updated edition now available on AMAZON in eBook and Paperback ![]() Julie’s World is a story of these times showing what has to be done in order to transcend our current condition. We’re here to realize love in existence which means realigning with our true nature. This is the unchanging truth emerging from the false imperatives of our patriarchal world. Julie learns too fast, too soon, now she must pay the price. Or must she? We have dominion over many levels. Follow her story in your direct experience and see the parallels of this deeper dynamic within you. Let it be your enrichment, your journey of awakening to a clearer place of harmony and truth in your life. ISBN: 9798606662739 paperback PAPERBACK Available on Kindle Amazon USA: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084D5NMFQ EU: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B084D5NMFQ CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B084D5NMFQ AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B084D5NMFQ GB: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B084D5NMFQ ![]() The sacred feminine is the divine principle of love in existence cosmically entwined in most all religious expressions, even in the contemporary world of science and technology, today’s most prominent belief structure. We are facing a turbulent time of uncertainty. world civilizations are crumbling in this current epochal shift. In spite of our great technological advances, we are grossly off-balance. In this existential convulsion stands you, the man or woman reading these words. The pressure is mounting to help us realise our equilibrium is not in the external projection but within our inner space, the only reality here now. Julie’s World is a story of these times showing what must be done in order to transcend our condition. We are here to realize love in existence which means realigning with our true nature. This is the unchanging truth emerging from the false imperatives of our projecting worlds. Julie's World will be available online from January 2020 ![]() We need to focus on the blind spots in modern media. Rather than allowing our scripts to absorb us, we need to look behind the thought patterns shaping our scripts. These thought patterns are arising from the compressing demonic convulsions in our approaching end game now facing unavoidable purge. See it in the shadows of self, this convulsing demonic mind. See it in the build-up of armaments in the world, call it Satanic if you wish, placing humankind on a most erroneous footing. Our abused technologies, blindly driven by ignorance and greed, surge forward, rapidly gaining momentum. It seems we have taken the step and there’s no going back. Never before, in the history of our making, have we reached such a critical point. The most intellectual among us, having exploited all avenues of erudition, are now beginning to understand how little they know. The erudite scholar, rooted in past, is beginning to panic. See why you’re panicking. You're on a technological platform, also derived from past, but now drawing from two directions. The future being pulled in is gaining momentum and this is causing a warp in space-time. It places us facing the fathomless depths of an intelligence eternally surpassing our reach. As the pendulum swings beyond the edge of all our summations, helplessly, we must watch all our erudition flounder. Why? Our erudition is sustaining the dichotomy and placing intelligence apart. In blind apathy, we’re pushing our ignorance to the fore. Now the wall has been breached and those of us unable to let go must perish. But all is not lost on the humanity front. At this moment in projecting time, our fate, by the way of things within creation, is in the benevolence of the Matriarchal within us; not the tyrannical Matriarchal perceived by feminists completely missing the point. Theirs is vengeance from accumulative past fueling the war machine speeding towards self-destruction. Can we see it? Really see it? There are no words to describe it. Whether we accept it or not, the great epochal shift is now happening. For years I’ve spoken about it, but few have been willing to listen. Reality pierces and the brightest among us have to accept that all our theories, all our summations are barren. Our technological advancement for total annihilation is choking all our fruition. This is the fact. There are no external enemies. This is also the fact. You are your end game. Time is up. Can we listen now? ![]() “We’re living in a world with multiple communication methods. Yet, we inwardly struggle through our opinionated selves to communicate with one another. “Surely, we must put aside all our opinions for an intimate communion to take place. We need to mentally pause and re-enter the inner silence to re-discover our true nature. We argue, we debate, we appease, while the fact remains that our minds can only truly come together in stillness. “But stillness makes us uneasy, being contrary to our acquired nature. We are driven to move, driven to war, driven to do or become something in our conceptual worlds of doing and becoming. “We create litigation to sort out our differences, each case opening another long and laborious day, each party with lawyers and accountants telling their side of the story. But none are prepared to listen to anything other than their own disturbance. The lawyers and accountants do what they’re instructed to do, increasing the force of division. “How can there be real communication while we’re serving our own vested ends? How can there be caring or understanding the frustrations of others, even the willingness to care? This is the reality. The evening eventually arrives on such lack of understanding, then inconsiderate night. Lamentations continue right up to the midnight hour while time running out creates its own imperative.” Source: Being in the Now Ch. 5: Mechanical Mind ![]() "The world is now at a serious juncture, the most critical of all time. It depends upon whether the individual has the capacity to regain the equilibrium lost, the effects of which have accelerated over recent years bringing humanity dangerously close to the point of no return. The person struggles with inner conflict, truth being too simple, too profound for the superimposed values and complexities of its acquired nature. As one of the masses the person seeks continuity in its external environment sustained by humanity’s veneration to the worldly gods of money, ambition, material wealth and relentless competition all driven by the alternating pulses of fear and greed. This is the personal self seeking its security in the crowd, always striving to fit in with the countless faces endeavoring to maintain a perpetuity that never endures. We see the ongoing story with each personal self under the unusual burden of something appearing vitally important, but like all things, only to be carried away in the unending flow of time." The source from the book: Being in the Now (Chapter 1) REVELATION |
January 2021
AuthorAlan Conlan |