The Great Epochal Shift
Stillness alone is the way to truth and integrity in governance within self, society and the world.
Julie's World
Stillness alone is the way to truth and integrity in governance within self, society and the world.
Julie's World
Smashing through Patriarchal Structures
The lingering decline of patriarchy, the confused trying to reshape in an emerging new world driven by the power of our awakening, this is the backdrop to Julie’s journey guiding our consciousness to a clearer place.

Stillness speaks louder than words
There's a deep knowing within us that we are not merely a body.
Everything in our worlds is merely a passing occurrence, you alone are the concentric.
BEING IN THE NOW was first published in 1999 under the title: LISTENING TO THE UNKNOWN
Available on Amazon and other online outlets
Alan Conlan Profile
There's a deep knowing within us that we are not merely a body.
Everything in our worlds is merely a passing occurrence, you alone are the concentric.
BEING IN THE NOW was first published in 1999 under the title: LISTENING TO THE UNKNOWN
Available on Amazon and other online outlets
Alan Conlan Profile
The Great Epochal Shift

We are living at the end of an epoch which means humanity is undergoing catastrophic change. Our world structures, belief systems and expectations have become obsolete. The eminent realignment is bringing our life essence into a clearer space which means the past that we know is about to dissolve.
The preparatory cleansing has already commenced, noticeable in the rouse of dictators, political and corporate, sucking the life energy of people. We can see the cancer of the world stock markets, transparency exposing the disease of speculation. That said, we're about to realize there are no external enemies, for all things in existence are interconnected, interdependent and interrelated. Attacking others because we don’t like their ideas is like breaking the mirror because I don’t like the look of my face.
In the deeper reality there is only self, the man or woman reading these words where one is herein accountable. The cleansing comes from within and sequentially dissolves the greed possessing the world imposing austerity measures on innocent life. By the way of things, this is the great epochal shift upon us right now.
This booklet is a collection of key statements intended to open our vision to the way ahead.
Available on AMAZON
Adherence to particular thought patterns constitutes a subtle brain damage. This is evident in the forced sustainment of outdated structures overloading, distorting and damaging the brain. The damaged brain cells produce distorted thought from which arises solutions that only help to make things worse. For example, the ruthless drive for hegemony by corrupt forces adhering to a set thought pattern of pathological madness is the product of brain damage. This is causing people to accept a distorted structure of reality without even seeing they’re doing so where truth and integrity is lost.
Can the brain cells be healed? Possibly, yes. Firstly, we truly need to see our condition. With the help of technology, this clearer seeing is triggering the move now occurring in the thought patterns of our damaged brain cells.
The Great Epochal Shift consists of antidotes to help us realign with stillness to give the necessary space for our brain cells to heal. Stillness alone is the way to truth and integrity in governance within self, society and the world.
The preparatory cleansing has already commenced, noticeable in the rouse of dictators, political and corporate, sucking the life energy of people. We can see the cancer of the world stock markets, transparency exposing the disease of speculation. That said, we're about to realize there are no external enemies, for all things in existence are interconnected, interdependent and interrelated. Attacking others because we don’t like their ideas is like breaking the mirror because I don’t like the look of my face.
In the deeper reality there is only self, the man or woman reading these words where one is herein accountable. The cleansing comes from within and sequentially dissolves the greed possessing the world imposing austerity measures on innocent life. By the way of things, this is the great epochal shift upon us right now.
This booklet is a collection of key statements intended to open our vision to the way ahead.
Available on AMAZON
Adherence to particular thought patterns constitutes a subtle brain damage. This is evident in the forced sustainment of outdated structures overloading, distorting and damaging the brain. The damaged brain cells produce distorted thought from which arises solutions that only help to make things worse. For example, the ruthless drive for hegemony by corrupt forces adhering to a set thought pattern of pathological madness is the product of brain damage. This is causing people to accept a distorted structure of reality without even seeing they’re doing so where truth and integrity is lost.
Can the brain cells be healed? Possibly, yes. Firstly, we truly need to see our condition. With the help of technology, this clearer seeing is triggering the move now occurring in the thought patterns of our damaged brain cells.
The Great Epochal Shift consists of antidotes to help us realign with stillness to give the necessary space for our brain cells to heal. Stillness alone is the way to truth and integrity in governance within self, society and the world.

NOW IS LIFE is an exploration into our cosmic essence unfolding our true nature where the artificiality of our acquired can be truly seen and willingly dropped
NOW IS LIFE available online
In your direct experience, life is you this moment here now. There's no life other than life here now in your body. Please hear the profundity of this statement. All others you see are life forms but not actual life. You're perpetually here now. This message come from beyond the defined parameters keeping humanity bound.
There's a deep knowing within us that we're much more than what we perceive.
Here's a guide to that spot within.
The books, websites and works of the author Alan Conlan, also known as James Alan Conlan, contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these writings may be reproduced, reworded or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author or his legally appointed agent. Any use of the material without the author's permission is an infringement of copyrights.
Original copyright © James Alan Conlan 1997
Original copyright © James Alan Conlan 1997