Audio: Understanding Fear
Enlightenment is now. I am now, for I am life and life is now. In truth there is only now. Primarily, I am life without form undergoing human experience in this body attending these words. Who am I? Not me the writer, but the 'I' in the body reading these words. Where am I? Speaking universally as the one 'I' in all life forms, the answer is immediate. Deep within this body I am formless life projecting from the nothing into form. This is the truth of my being, the primary knowledge which is the cognitive state within me. I am the same life in every form I take. I see me in the instinctual intelligence of the seed, in the mighty oak, in the bird gliding through the air I breathe with these lungs. It is the one universal life, which in the first instance I refer to as 'me’ in this body. There is no life outside of ‘me’ for I am now, eternal life.
The world is my projected consciousness in human form governed by the same universal law as governing all life forms. My mind is an instrument of the projecting brain creating my sensual world. In this sub-creation arises the self, the person I think I am in relation to everything seen on the projected screen of existence about it. In my forgetfulness, I take the projected self to be real and so lose my true essence to the person I become as my world.
The speed of cognition in the now is beyond word. It is the original state behind the projection of this life form, the human body. When I look into 'me' in this body reading these words, from stillness I see the mind is the relative known which is past. We live in the past, even the present we perceive is past. All time is past in the now. How do I find my way home? How do I return to my true essence? The answer is in: ‘How do I?’ The immediacy can be realized in absolute stillness in the state where mind, body and spirit are in alignment. But it cannot be put into words; even the word 'how' can be mischievous. Only the ‘I’ attending these words can ‘be’ it.
Directly behind the projecting brain, enlightenment is now. You are now, for you are life and life is now. One more step, you and I are one. Please note, this is not a belief, for you can meet it directly in your own experience. In your deep, natural being you are it. Alone you are born, even behind all masquerading beliefs, alone you live and alone you must die. There are no gurus out there, the most misguiding being those selling their spiritual wares. The way is simple. Just 'be' the light unto yourself.
Copyright © Alan Conlan 2011
The world is my projected consciousness in human form governed by the same universal law as governing all life forms. My mind is an instrument of the projecting brain creating my sensual world. In this sub-creation arises the self, the person I think I am in relation to everything seen on the projected screen of existence about it. In my forgetfulness, I take the projected self to be real and so lose my true essence to the person I become as my world.
The speed of cognition in the now is beyond word. It is the original state behind the projection of this life form, the human body. When I look into 'me' in this body reading these words, from stillness I see the mind is the relative known which is past. We live in the past, even the present we perceive is past. All time is past in the now. How do I find my way home? How do I return to my true essence? The answer is in: ‘How do I?’ The immediacy can be realized in absolute stillness in the state where mind, body and spirit are in alignment. But it cannot be put into words; even the word 'how' can be mischievous. Only the ‘I’ attending these words can ‘be’ it.
Directly behind the projecting brain, enlightenment is now. You are now, for you are life and life is now. One more step, you and I are one. Please note, this is not a belief, for you can meet it directly in your own experience. In your deep, natural being you are it. Alone you are born, even behind all masquerading beliefs, alone you live and alone you must die. There are no gurus out there, the most misguiding being those selling their spiritual wares. The way is simple. Just 'be' the light unto yourself.
Copyright © Alan Conlan 2011

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Message from the author
This book reflects the awakening of intelligence in today's world, everything therein from my direct experience relaying to the individual seeking a deeper understanding to life.
Delivering its message is my inescapable duty.
Message from the author
This book reflects the awakening of intelligence in today's world, everything therein from my direct experience relaying to the individual seeking a deeper understanding to life.
Delivering its message is my inescapable duty.