Love without conditions is the medium of life, the unending flow of the creation. It is the communion of all in one, the vibrant between the subtle and coarser elements. Love is the air we breathe, the water we drink, the fire at the center surrounded by the outer crust of the earth. Love is the harmony between the nucleus and orbiting electrons, the unending dance spiraling outward through the Milky Way. It is you and I in existence, our true nature and our very essence in being.
Love is the sacred and the world projecting from the mind content is love's exploitation. We, the masses, cast ourselves out of the perennial garden of life. We cast ourselves out of our true nature, the truth that we are, through our emotional disturbances of personal issue. We vacate the 'I' and lose sight of love by imposing our willfulness on the natural order, the giving hand becoming the grabbing claw. We objectify love while suffering the pain of its loss, seldom seeing what is lost, each of us to our personal desires for a particular lover, particular god to satisfy the raw emptiness in the personified. This is our acquired nature, the ungodly self taking up abode within us. This acquired nature is our on-going affliction loading the world on the innocent infant. Your original state is the infant in you, your purity deep within and your true nature, the immediacy of life its mirror.
Contrary to popular belief, love is not merely a feeling. It is tremendous energy flowing without motivation. Loving someone is accepting them as they are. When at least one human being loves you unconditionally you know you are welcome in existence. Once you receive this spaciousness you are centered in your being which opens your full potentiality. This gives you a grounding in your true nature, bringing you closer to universal oneness. Here is the great beauty in the energy of love. When you are truly loved as you are, unconditionally and unemotionally, you naturally change for the good. There is no force, no violence involved.
The personal self with its ideologies and beliefs can never know love, for the personal self is the acquired nature superimposing on the natural order. In our lack of knowing better, we try to live according to our acquired principles, our moral codes which we think is love. But love has no such attributes. In our existential nature, it is a state of being. It is simple, no complexity, no condition and therefore not a feeling. It is real intelligence. When you are love, you are truly transformed, one with your true nature and one with God.
Looking from stillness, clarity shows that the world is a mind-construct in defiance of divine love and serving only our acquired nature. All this is about to change as we near the end of this epochal surge with more and more individuals realizing the deeper essence of the sacred feminine in the love permeating existence.
Love is the sacred and the world projecting from the mind content is love's exploitation. We, the masses, cast ourselves out of the perennial garden of life. We cast ourselves out of our true nature, the truth that we are, through our emotional disturbances of personal issue. We vacate the 'I' and lose sight of love by imposing our willfulness on the natural order, the giving hand becoming the grabbing claw. We objectify love while suffering the pain of its loss, seldom seeing what is lost, each of us to our personal desires for a particular lover, particular god to satisfy the raw emptiness in the personified. This is our acquired nature, the ungodly self taking up abode within us. This acquired nature is our on-going affliction loading the world on the innocent infant. Your original state is the infant in you, your purity deep within and your true nature, the immediacy of life its mirror.
Contrary to popular belief, love is not merely a feeling. It is tremendous energy flowing without motivation. Loving someone is accepting them as they are. When at least one human being loves you unconditionally you know you are welcome in existence. Once you receive this spaciousness you are centered in your being which opens your full potentiality. This gives you a grounding in your true nature, bringing you closer to universal oneness. Here is the great beauty in the energy of love. When you are truly loved as you are, unconditionally and unemotionally, you naturally change for the good. There is no force, no violence involved.
The personal self with its ideologies and beliefs can never know love, for the personal self is the acquired nature superimposing on the natural order. In our lack of knowing better, we try to live according to our acquired principles, our moral codes which we think is love. But love has no such attributes. In our existential nature, it is a state of being. It is simple, no complexity, no condition and therefore not a feeling. It is real intelligence. When you are love, you are truly transformed, one with your true nature and one with God.
Looking from stillness, clarity shows that the world is a mind-construct in defiance of divine love and serving only our acquired nature. All this is about to change as we near the end of this epochal surge with more and more individuals realizing the deeper essence of the sacred feminine in the love permeating existence.
Now is life

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Going inwards is the way home. It is letting go of all your external props. This is opening to self-knowledge, the first step away from the mass-conditioning imposed through the religiosity of the outer projection. Such a step calls for stillness, both inner and outer.
Do not be misled by the personified self seeking fulfillment. Worldly gurus on the periphery of the core expression are readily available with their quick-fix formulas for the shifting expectations of the self, but all to no substantial improvement. In actuality there is nothing to be improved when all must be relinquished.
Message from the author:
You alone are love, life, truth. It's your true nature. Realise it and live it each moment.