![]() War is never justifiable. Yet, political warlords continue fabricating justifications through media manipulation. Their objective is to convince the conscious mind of humanity that war is for its own good. Stage 2 of the process is when the warlords actually believe in their own fabrications, they too becoming victims of their false narratives. There is no one exempt. The disease is within our consciousness. Then, what is the conscious mind? Obviously, the answer cannot be found in analysis, it needs to be looked at from within. Firstly, I, the individual man or woman reading these words, know deep down that my consciousness is its content which happens to be my conditioning since my moment of birth. Whatever condition I was born into manifests as my life. This also applies to our grouped ideologies. The fermented beliefs, hatreds, convictions, hopes, and despairs live through me. Yet something deeper within me indicates my being without subdivision which cannot be reached through the mind. For the mind is fragmentation. My mind, like your mind, is a conditioned mass as a separatist idea in a bigger part of the fragmented content. The fragmentation is obvious whenever I look out across a divided world, each fragment of division in conflict with what it perceives as another. The Arabs and Israelis are a typical example of separatist ideas spread over time. Both pay homage to the concept of one God, both claim similar lineage, both acknowledge similar prophets. Both suffered the terrible atrocities inflicted upon them by the European fascism of the 1940s. Both are still suffering from the transmuted fascism now rooted in the Israeli/Palestinian divide. When intelligence truly sees this by looking without movement of the fragment, the subdivision naturally dissolves, the hostility between the fragments instantly disappears. Surely, this is the only solution to the conflict. But the fragment refuses to look beyond the limitation of its particular content. This is apparent whenever we truly look at ourselves. As grouped individuals we cling to our summations. This blocks clarity of vision. It's obvious when intelligence looks at the world leaders of this time entrenched in the neurosis of our separatist conditions while feeding into more of the same. In some instances the political fragment cannot see beyond supplying weapons of war to the so-named insurgents of today while otherwise renaming them the terrorists of yesterday or tomorrow. So what is blocking intelligence from seeing that war is never justifiable? Is it not our unwillingness to look at the fragmented content of our minds? Without such looking, we cannot see beyond our self-imposed limitations, this being the ground of the self. Like countless selves clinging to a groundless reality, we regurgitate what warlords proclaim justifiable and this becomes our existential crutch. In the deeper reality of our being there are no external sources. Alone you are born, alone you live and alone you must die. Looking without movement of mind, looking deeper than the surface aloneness, it is possible to align with the real intelligence within. This is being responsible, which means you and I are no longer fodder for warlords of the world dressed up in nice political suits trying to fabricate justification for this unseen wretchedness. Stillness of mind is surely the way out of this unending whirlpool of madness. https://www.amazon.com/James-Alan-Conlan/e/B001K7VVT6
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January 2021
AuthorAlan Conlan |